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Duane Pittman

Hello, I'm Duane Pittman. I finally finished my undergraduate education and I'm eager for new challenges.

  Duane Pittman was born in Los Angeles and raised in Huntington Beach, California.  He spent time in Japan, Nevada, and Hawaii before settling – for now – in beautiful rural northwest Nevada.   Duane has always possessed a strong entrepreneurial spirit. He helped start and grow a highly-successful auto parts remanufacturing enterprise in Southern California which grew to employ more than 50 people, a business which he managed and nurtured for many years. Duane later built and operated a very successful, small take-out Mexican food eatery with his wife: Diego’s Mexican Food, named after one of their four sons. After less than a year, he realized that the restaurant would always demand too much of his time, time that would and should be better spent with his family, so he sold the restaurant for a nice profit and went to work for the contractor that operates the nearby military base. Diego's remains open under new ownership today.   Despite his business successes, Duane was a college dropout. He had gone to BYU on an academic partial scholarship, but he fell through the cracks of financial aid programs. Duane was a dependant college student ineligible for self-initiated student loans but whose parents earned too much for him to qualify while earning too little to help him pay his way. He was forced to postpone his education after just one year. Shortly thereafter, he had the opportunity of the aforementioned auto parts startup and because of its rapid growth, Duane prospered, even buying his first house in the difficult and pricey Southern California market. For a time, he thought he had found his career. Alas, eventually owners' incompetence and greed made it clear that, despite Duane’s fervent admonitions, the once-successful business was destined to needles demise – so he left a sinking ship.   After relocating to the small, quaint desert town of his extended family and ancestors, a town he visited frequently and cherished his entire life, Duane thought often about his career options. He had done very well on the sale of his California property, so he was not pressured. He yearned to finish school, but being 130 miles from the nearest college before online schools were an acceptable alternative, he opted for starting Diego's. It wasn't until after he began working for the local contractor at the military base that he sat with its general manager to discuss educational opportunities that Duane determined to finish his undergraduate degree online, with an eye on law school thereafter.   Finally in a position to prepare to fulfill a lifelong dream of practicing law, Duane applied to and was accepted by several law schools for 2014 admission. In late Spring, though, he was dejected to learned that the bandaid fixes doctors had been trying on his ailing, painful back were not successful enough to allow him to function without the use of mind-numbing pain medication; thus, he opted for a permanent surgical remedy and deferred admission to 2015.  After some delays due to insurance and surgeon incompatibility, he underwent surgery in early August. The procedure has thus far offered a mixed bag of results, but Duane and his doctor are certain of an imminent, positive outcome enabling him to start school next Fall in good health with a clear mind, free from the crippling pain that required those loathsome pills. November 5, 2014  

Duane Pittman's Background

Duane Pittman's Experience

SOC, Llc

March 2008 - Present | Hawthorne, Nevada

Sole Proprietor at Deigo's Mexican Food

2006 - 2007 | Hawthorne, Nevada

Operations Manager at Hi-Test Rebuilders, Inc.

1990 - 2004 | Santa Ana, California

Duane Pittman's Education

Strayer University

2009 – 2014


Concentration: Business Administration/Acquisitions & Contact Mgmt.

Brigham Young University

1984 – 1985

Concentration: Accounting

Duane Pittman's Interests & Activities

Duane Pittman is very interested in legal matters. Some of his favorite classes have been business law, contract law, and the like. Duane successfully adopted his eldest son and brought him through a difficult immigration process without any legal aid whatsoever. Duane is an avid outdoorsman who is very happy to have the Wassuk range virtually in his backyard, and the majestic Sierras just an hour away. A former cub scout and boy scout, Duane supports his sons in the wonderful scouting program while serving his second son’s troop as Assistant Scoutmaster and Merit Badge Counselor. He loves teaching his kids survival skills, fishing tricks, and all about the great outdoors. His kids are like sponges, soaking up every word with rapt attention, and reveling in the stories of some of their dad's mischievous childhood pranks. Whether enjoying the majesty of God's creation or riding bikes with his kids, Duane loves to photograph it all. While working in high school as a yearbook photographer and Photography Editor, Duane had a few freelance jobs and won a few contests, kindling his desire to one day become a professional photographer. Though that desire has faded, his passion for photography still burns strong. Duane Pittman loves computers, having bought his first computer in 1986. He's been on the internet since 1998, with a 14.4 baud modem (ouch!) He is proficient in several programs and operating systems as well as computer hardware upgrades and repair. Duane loves upgrading things around the house, whether installing recessed lighting or building things with wood - especially oak. Some consider him to be a pretty good carpenter. Most of all, though, Duane loves the Lord and his family with all his heart and soul.

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